The Sheepfold is a two-step transitional living program for mothers with children in their custody, (boys up to 12 years of age and girls up to 17 years of age). The first step of the program is set in a residential communal environment with five families maximum at each facility. The second step of the program is set in a private apartment complex with a maximum of 10 families at a facility. The program as a whole focuses on each families individual needs while providing everyone with a safe an healing environment. With our help, each mother establishes a means of support for herself and her children, develops and adheres to a budget, learns parenting skills, locates affordable housing and saves for future living expenses. After completing our program, she is ready for independent living.
(See bottom of page for information on applying for our program)
General Requirements
- Residents must attend daily Bible study and Sunday church services (We are a non-denominational Christian program, no resident is required to believe what we believe but they are required to respectfully participate)
- Help with assigned household chores and kitchen duties
- Adhere to a 5:30pm curfew
- Agree to and follow a cell phone policy
- Participate in all life skill workshops
- Obtain full-time employment or seek training/certification in a specific trade
- Set and work toward personal goals with a case manager
- Save all income earned throughout the program
Our First Step is summed up in our "Mark IV" program. In 1992, The Sheepfold implemented this innovative program. The "Mark IV" program is a three-phase program preparing our mothers for independent living within six months.
The program begins by establishing a normal daily routine for the family including nutritious meals, household chores and responsibilities. The mothers begin a plan to address their specific needs and those of their children. These may include enrolling children in school, legal obligations, medical and dental appointments. Our House Managers help each resident to establish a financial plan and explore housing and employment options.
The following is the plan the residents follow based on the Parable of the Sower found in the Bible:
There are some seeds which are sown on good ground; such as hear The Word and receive it and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixtyfold and some a hundredfold.
Mark 4:20
Thirtyfold Phase:
- Begins when a new resident is taken into the shelter.
- She settles into the routine of the house, learns the rules, and is assigned certain household duties and responsibilities.
- Begins daily Bible studies and growth in the Word of God.
- She joins in all house or outside activities of the shelter.
- Begins gathering and keeping records regarding vital statistics, children's school, medical and legal, etc.
- She opens a savings account and deposits all monies received or in her possession.
- Completes her "Do List" within 30 days.
During the 30 day period of the Thirtyfold Program, her attitudes and accomplishments will determine her readiness to progress to Sixtyfold.
Sixtyfold Phase:
- During this time of her stay, the resident will begin to apply the knowledge she has received from the Word of God in her practical life situations.
- She will take responsibility for her own situation, no matter who caused it, and will begin to seek practical solutions for her needs.
- She will be given resource material to help in finding employment and child care.
- She will be taught how to tithe according to the Bible.
- She will receive help determining whether to be on welfare, or obtain employment or attend a short term job training program.
During the 60 days of the Sixtyfold program, her attitudes and accomplishments will determine her readiness to progress to Hundredfold.
Hundredfold Phase:
- She will open a checking account and follow a plan to budget money for independent living.
- She will find an apartment, transportation and a home church.
- She will be helped with furniture and household items as much as possible by The Sheepfold.
- She will continue in all the activities of the shelter until the day she leaves.
Upon completion of this phase, the resident may leave the program or be offered an opportunity to move into our second step. Each resident is evaluated on their progress of the "Mark IV" program to see if they qualify for the second step.
Our Second Step program provides each family with their own personal apartment. This portion of the program is intended to be another 6 months. During this time each resident is implementing all they have learned in the first phase. They have a new case manager that is overseeing their progress as they are now working towards completing the goals they had set and started in the first step of the program. There is much more independence in the second step of the program. Requirements do change once in the second step and will be discussed once the resident is accepted into the second step.
How to Apply
- Call our office Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm at 1.877.743.3736 (1.877.SHEEPFOLD)
- Participate in phone interview with one of our intake personal
- Schedule a face to face interview where your children must be present
The interview process takes 3 business days and is subject to our availability. We do not have a wait-list and we will not leave a message at a call back number unless we know and it has been established that it is safe to do so. After you have completed the interview process we will let you know if you have been accepted into our program. If you have been accepted into our program you will come into one of our facilities the following day after your face to face interview unless communicated otherwise.
Each family that enters the Sheepfold is provided with the individual attention needed to complete the program. We believe the only way for complete healing is through the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Our program is designed to go beyond the physical needs of each individual and holistically bring healing. We strive to serve every family that comes through our program with love, grace, guidance, and care. The Sheepfold is a safe place for mothers with children seeking new beginnings.