Five years ago I was in an awful place with my marriage. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was going crazy. I prayed for help. When my husband went to jail, I needed help to get away from the situation. I remembered hearing about The Sheepfold on the radio prior to my problems. I called my church for prayer and advice. They told me about The Sheepfold. When I mentioned this to my sister-in-law she broke out in praises for this ministry. But I thought, "Isn't it for bag ladies? I'm not one of 'those' women." Then I saw a show talking about The Sheepfold and I wept. I called the number after the show was over. I was very broken and humbled by what was happening.
I can say I have never felt closer to God than when I was there. He met me in the pit of my sorrow. I learned to trust Him like I never trusted Him before. Even the trials and tribulations bring blessings. My four-year-old daughter at the time called the shelter "The Friends House", because everyone there was her friend. I would like to share a special memory of "The Friends House."
It was a Saturday when the Little Lambs ministry would come and share their talents and time with the children. They were in the back yard and I was looking out the bedroom window crying, because I felt what a blessing to be in this place with so much love. My Lord Jesus was building me back up with the love from His heart and the heart of the members of this ministry. It was there that a seed was planted in my heart about working with children.
I am one class away from graduating with an A.A. in Child Development from college. I have a certificate in Early Childhood Studies and Child Development and an Associate Teacher Permit. I have written three children's books, that I would like to be published. Thank you all for sharing your special talents with The Sheepfold.